Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letter to anyone in the Bush Administration

The war in Iraq is nothing other then a civil war. A civil war in which we can not do anything about. Before we took Saddam out of there, he was the one killing terrorists, now the terrorists are free to kill US soldiers, civilians, and Iraqi civilians. No matter when we leave, whether it is tomorrow, next year, or 10 years from now, a massive civil war will break out, and there is nothing we can do to stop it since this we are fighting a social & political issue with our military. You can not fight fanatical religious beliefs with legislation or with an army. The only thing we can do is try to educate them - how? Instead of spending trillions of dollars on this "war", we should offer money for school systems, utilities, and other uses, however we should be able to control these funds by making sure Iraq follows simple guidelines such as a) arresting terrorists, b) destroying corruption, and c) teaching tolerance in all levels of the school system. We can take a lesson from the European Union that gives enormous sums of money, however would stop funding the country if rules were not met.

Interference by the United States (from 1937+) in the middle east has only had a negative effect, and though most Americans understand that we need to have some sort of political assertion as we require their resources there has to be limitations. Our foreign policy should be changed to be appear more diplomatic, rather then looking like the Marlboro Man.

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